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Cuba's production of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) in 2006 was approx. 110000 tonnes. World production of gypsum in 2006 was 142.5 millions tonnes.
In 2006, Cuba produced approx. 34 thousand tonnes of chromium ores and concentrates. Total worldwide production in 2006 was 19.2 million tonnes.
Cuba's production of iron ore in 2006 was 7800 tonnes. Total world production of iron ore in 2006 was 1.81 billion tonnes.
In 2006, Morocco's mine production of cobalt was approx. 4000 tonnes. Total world production of cobalt from mining, in 2006, was 59000 tonnes.
Cuba's mine production of nickel in 2006 was 233461 tonnes. Worldwide mine production of nickel in 2006 was 1.526 million tonnes.
Cuba's combined smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 39100 tonnes. Worldwide smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 1.337 million tonnes.
In 2006, Cuba's mine production of gold was 500 kg. Total amount of gold mined in 2006 was 2310 tonnes.